Uson Clean Pilot

Uson Marine has added the Uson Clean Pilot to its marine waste management portfolio and will demonstrate the product at the SMM 2014 trade fair in Hamburg, Germany.

SMM visitors can see demonstrations of the system from 9-12 September indoors at Hall A1, Stand 418, and outdoors at Hall A1, FG 007.

Uson Marine, a leading provider of waste management systems to the marine and offshore industries, and Marine Position have reached an agreement where Uson Marine will be the distributor of the Seatrade award winning Environmental Navigator, a product developed by Marine Position. The product will be sold and marketed under the name Uson Clean Pilot.

Uson Clean Pilot complies with regulations

Today’s ship captains face a complex web of international and national environmental regulations, special areas and marine sanctuaries, emission controlled areas and other local directives. Since all of the regulations change continuously, according to the ship’s position, it has become almost impossible for captains to comply to regulations at all times. In response to this challenge Marine Position developed its environmental navigation system, the Environmental Navigator.

Environmental Navigator simplifies compliance

The first system of its type, the Environmental Navigator greatly simplifies complying with marine waste regulations at sea. Connected to the ship’s GPS, the Environmental Navigator provides an update in real time of the applicable regulations, IMO / MARPOL and most of the regional and local regulations, at the current position. The information is graphically visualised on the bridge or in the engine room control room.

The unit displays information on: bilge water, sewage and grey water, garbage and food waste, incinerator and sulfur emissions, cargo (oil in slop tank through the ODME) and ballast water. It reduces the risk of illegal/faulty discharge and assists in the optimisation of fuel handling (high/low sulfur). The Environmental Navigator strengthens the environmental profile of the company and acts as a powerful tool at port state control.

A logical addition to Uson Marine’s product portfolio

An innovative waste management tool that will make life easier for seafarers around the globe, the Uson Clean Pilot will be a logical complement to Uson Marine’s product portfolio. Its inclusion in Uson’s range aligns with the company’s strategy to be at the forefront for innovative waste management solutions within the marine and offshore segments.