The main activity of Marine Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (MHFCA), a non-profit organisation, is active support of the integration of hydrogen as an energy-carrier into marine systems and of the development of regulations, codes and standards for marine hydrogen applications.
Hydrogen for in-water and near-water marine systems
Both marine systems that reside in the water (like ships, floats and buoys) and those that are installed near the water (for example on islands, harbours and offshore wind energy farms) may become typical users of hydrogen in the future.
In order to initiate a bilateral understanding between marine activities and hydrogen technology, MHFCA acts as a platform for meetings and projects, as well as for the exchange of information as a basis for further cooperation between members and with external contacts.
Hydrogen and fuel cells for marine applications
Hydrogen is an energy carrier that generates electricity in a fuel cell without any emissions, noise, tailpipe or vibrations. Hydrogen can be generated from a variety of energy sources such as wind, photovoltaics, biomass or natural gas.

Fuel cells for generating electricity
Fuel cells work silently and directly generate electricity, whenever you need it. Hydrogen can be stored as a compressed gas (up to 700bar), as a liquid (cryogenic) or in solid state (metal hydrides).
The efficiency of fuel cells is relatively high (~45%) compared to internal combustion engines (~20%).
Silent electric motors for propulsion
Electric motors for propulsion have a very high efficiency (~95%) and are silent. Using an electric motor on a ship gives a very high torque at low propeller rotational speed, leading to a large diameter and steep blade-angle.
All components can be placed in a dislocated arrangement, leading to better balancing and better use of the available space.
Marine hydrogen and fuel cell consultancy
Our members come from all parts of the world and most have already completed a fuel cell ship project.
They have a extensive knowledge in hydrogen, fuel cells, hydrogen production, hydrogen storage, hydrogen transport, certification of hydrogen and fuel-cell driven ships, managing hydrogen and fuel cell ship projects, hydrogen safety, installation of hydrogen and fuel cell systems in ships, modelling and engineering of hydrogen and fuel cell ships, hydrogen fuelling infrastructure, and regulations codes and standards.
Our association can provide you with a very good overview on who is active in this business, who could be the right partner for your next project, what products are available on the market, the price development of hydrogen and fuel cell technology, and what legislation says about hydrogen and fuel cells if they are applied on a ship.
Modern energy supply systems for ships, AUVs, buoys, lighthouses, drilling rigs and platforms
If you require a new energy supply system for your ship or other marine equipment (AUVs, buoys, lighthouses, or remote sites like drilling rigs or other platforms), you should think about joining our association and exchanging your thoughts with our members, in order to gain all the information required to make an informed choice.