
Ships Electronic Services (SES) has won the contract to update the satellite TV antennas for the RRS James Cook, the research vessel operated by the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) based in Southampton. Two KVH M9 antennas will be installed and will provide HD TV on the Ku-band service.

The contract comes after SES supplied and installed global HD TV systems for the NOC’s new research ship RRS Discovery, which has been heralded as one of the most sophisticated research vessels afloat.

The new, 99.7m RRS Discovery was built in Spain and comes from an eminent line of four predecessors of that name, dating back to the famous Discovery of Captain Scott.

Even while operating in remote ocean areas, the captain and crew of the Discovery will be able to enjoy HD TV via two high-quality antennas from KVH, the HDII which can operate on both Ka and Ku-band services.

SES managing director Stephen Roper said: "We are delighted to have been contracted to work on both of these prestigious vessels, which will be operating in some of the remotest corners of the globe.

"Meticulous installation is essential to ensure trouble free operation, [and] we recognise that global TV is essential for the crew during the long periods they will spend at sea."

SES is one of the UK’s most respected marine electronics supply, service and installation companies, specialising in communication, navigation and on-board entertainment for the commercial, military and leisure markets. With eight centres strategically located around the UK coast, SES can provide a fast response to commercial operators directly or through its 24/7 emergency phone line.