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Health and Safety at Sea

SEAHEALTH Denmark provides tools, knowledge and consultancy for the occupational environment and health and safety, to support seafarers aboard vessels around the world. We help our clients map their issues and suggest suitable solutions, plans and guidelines to address them.




SEAHEALTH Denmark provides tools, knowledge and consultancy for the occupational environment and health and safety, to support seafarers aboard vessels around the world. We help our clients map their issues and suggest suitable solutions, plans and guidelines to address them. We have supported Danish vessels for 20 years and now vessels sailing under other flags can benefit from our products as well.

Our portfolio comprises a range of different products and services, such as tools for making onboard work safer and easier, Health and Safety at Sea programmes, sector guidelines, films, cookery books, the magazine, courses and e-learning, as well as our participation in officer meetings. In addition, we operate two commonly used databases for the industry: SEAHEALTH’s chemicals database and our Nearmiss database at

SEAHEALTH consultants are always pleased to come aboard and provide specific health and safety advice and to attend officer seminars and courses. We are also involved in strategic planning of how to deal with various occupational health matters, especially in processes involving management, safety culture, crisis intervention, health management and well-being.

SEAHEALTH provides health and safety solutions for the maritime sector.
Our products cover everything from films to cookery books.
We are happy to come aboard and meet seafarers around the world.
SEAHEALTH’s chemicals and near miss databases offer valuable support to the industry.
Our consultants develop solutions to cover safety culture, crisis intervention and well-being.
The Health and Safety at Sea programme supports the needs of ship-owners and seafarers. provides a system aimed at avoiding personal injury and damage to the vessel.
We carry out development work and research-based projects.
SEAHEALTH combines knowledge and experience for the best results.
Our range of publications includes reports, books and magazines.

The SEAHEALTH brand covers a wide variety of products aimed at the maritime industry, to improve health and safety at sea and the occupational environment onboard.

Maritime health and safety programmes

One of SEAHEALTH’s main products is our health and safety programme. The user-friendliness of the Health and Safety at Sea programme and SEAHEALTH’s chemicals database systematically supports the needs of ship-owners and seafarers. It helps them to comply with chemicals legislation with respect to chemicals management (lists of the chemicals in use, workplace user instructions and safety data sheets) and drawing up risk assessments.

The programme was considerably updated in 2010 and is therefore able to deal with the new labelling rules for chemicals (CLP) and additional requirements for exposure scenarios and user information (REACH).

Near miss event database

Another core product at SEAHEALTH is our database. It is the maritime sector’s own database where companies can report near miss events, from which others can learn. All reports are anonymised. We circulate some of these reports anonymously as "Safety Notifications".

Many ship-owners have learned the near miss reporting method and now use the near miss system as an active tool for boosting their safety culture onboard. This is primarily to avoid personal injury and damage to the vessel and cargo, but also because more and more companies are being rated on their safety culture by their customers.

Near miss registration has become a tool for enhancing safety awareness amongst individual seafarers, which will in time boost onboard safety culture for the benefit of your workmates, the ship and the company.

Maritime health and safety projects

Much of our work on health, safety and well-being at sea comes in our projects, in the form of development work and research-based projects. SEAHEALTH combines theoretical knowledge and practical experience for better solutions.

One example of our projects is the newly updated Medical Book for Seafarers. The updating will be completed in a maritime collaboration, in which health at sea is the focal point. The medical guide will be available for purchase from October 2014. It will be a complete collection of tools for the onboard medical practitioner to assist in any situation that calls for medical care. It will consist of a step-by-step manual and videoclips, and will be closely connected to the medical service Radio Medical. Radio Medical is a worldwide on-line and telephone service for all vessels.

Health and safety publications

SEAHEALTH has released a number of publications including films, books, annual reports, sector-specific guidances and articles from the magazine

Our tools and instructions cover health and safety, risk assessments, diet, hygiene, chemicals, communication, management and crises. All of our publications have one thing in common: they focus on how to solve the risks and obstacles you face in the maritime sector.

White Papers

  • Seahealth - Oceans of Health Brochure

    Seahealth continually seeks to improve the safety, health and well-being of seafarers, and contributes to a safer and more efficient maritime working environment.

Press Releases