
This bi-monthly newsletter features the latest information about Pains Wessex’s new products, exhibitions and events and tells how our leading marine distress signals have aided in maritime rescues and ensure mariners stay safe at sea.

New sales administrator

Chemring Marine has a new sales administrator. Vanessa Martin is now providing administration support to Pains Wessex distributors in Europe and the Middle East. Vanessa has the ideal experience for the role, as she was responsible for Middle East accounts while working at the Dubai Trade Centre for four years .Before joining Chemring Marine, she worked for medical devices manufacturer Covidien in the Regulatory Affairs department.

Solent swimmers sponsored

Courageous students, sponsored by Chemring Marine to swim across the Solent, found just why marine distress signals are a vital safety aid. During the gruelling 2hr 10min swim by five Portsmouth Grammar School sixth-formers, across one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, thick fog engulfed the 3.5 miles of water, so it was crucial that their safety boats were equipped with Chemring Marine flares.

Out of this world trip

Managing director Justine Heeley enjoyed an out-of-the-world trip to the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, US. During the quarterly Chemring Group meeting, the group had the opportunity to tour the museum, seeing well-known space exhibits including the Enterprise Space Shuttle. The most recent shuttle, which is being decommissioned, will be moved into the museum later.

Flares crucial for marine craft

An article in the latest RYA News highlights just why it is vital for marine craft to carry flares. It tells how Carl Lomas, who calls himself Lord Hollinsclough, and his family were sailing in the South Atlantic, near South Georgia, when their 60ft Oyster Cutter Sloop struck a low-lying iceberg and started sinking. For the next 24hrs the family bailed water from their stricken vessel as the Royal Navy warship, HMS Clyde, which was a day away, raced to save them. As it drew near, Carl Lomas sent up four flares to pinpoint the yacht’s position and the family were rescued.

Anne passes latest exams

Congratulations go to Chemring Marine’s management accountant Anne Read who has passed the latest stage of her accountancy exams. Anne has successfully completed Level 3 Association of Accounting Technicians exams, following the second year of the three-year course. The next stage, starting in September, is the Level 4 Diploma that leads to fully-qualified AAT status.

Anne’s manager, financial director Claire Newland, says: “Anne’s passing Level Three came as no surprise, as she has a broad knowledge of many financial functions due to her long service with the Chemring Marine.”

Delivery above expectations

This summer’s six-monthly Chemring Marine sales conference includes an exciting new element. Key employees are not only discussing how to achieve Delivery Above Expectations at the two-day conference held at Chemring Marine’s UK head office, but they are taking part in a special one-day training course. Organiser, Chemring Marine’s marketing coordinator Victoria Jones, says: “The course will be very practical, so will be taking part in some great hands-on training exercises, demonstrating how we can work together to achieve Delivery Above Expectations.”

Safety At Sea award presentation

Chemring Marine has presented a prestigious industry award for marine safety equipment. Chief executive Justine Heeley presented the Equipment category in the Safety At Sea International annual awards dinner. Also in attendance were Chemring Marine chairman Robert Hill, marketing coordinator Victoria Jones and representatives from distributors Cosalt and Survitec.

Chemring Marine at ILAMA annual meeting

Chemring Marine has attended the annual general meeting of industry safety body ILAMA. Chemring Marine is a member of the International Life-Saving Appliance Manufacturers’ Association and product manager Keith Bradford was among delegates at the meeting in the ExCeL Centre, London. ILAMA plays a significant part in international maritime safety. By presenting views and technical papers, ILAMA ensures that bodies such as the European Commission and the International Maritime Organisation take into account its members’ concerns.

Seawork busier than ever

Chemring Marine has supported distributors exhibiting at the busiest ever Seawork International show, on the UK south coast. Product manager Keith Bradford and sales manager Chris Feibusch visited distributors Cosalt and Seaweather, which were displaying Pains Wessex products on their stands at the Southampton ABI port event.

Keith says: “The show has been running a long time and over the past few years it has grown bigger and bigger and there was a good atmosphere among visitors.”

Justine at women in business meeting

Chemring Marine managing director Justine Heeley has been invited to attend a prestigious women in business meeting in London. Justine was one of just ten prominent women members of the Engineering Employers Federation who attended the meeting at the Institute of Mechanical Engineers HQ. She was interviewed about her role, had her picture taken and was able to talk to the other members about women in leadership.

Business award finalist

Chemring Marine has reached the finals of The Smith & Williamson Growth Business of the Year Award. The company was one of four finalists selected for the award, which is given to the business that has shown supportable and consistent growth in the current difficult economic climate. Marketing coordinator Victoria Jones says: “It was an honour to be selected as one of just four finalists. Although we did not win, we were pleased to be judged as among the best-performing companies in the region.”

Holger attends strategic sales and marketing masterclass

Chemring Marine sales manager Holger Muegge has attended a leading sales and marketing masterclass. The Strategic Sales Planning Masterclass, which also incorporated marketing elements, was run by the Chartered Institute of Marketing, at Cookham, UK. The intensive five-day course, which was attended by a range of international delegates, explored the role of sales in driving business strategy.