
Singapore-based company Princeton Pharmacy provides a wide range of pharmaceutical equipment and services for ships and oil rigs.

Lifeboat first-aid kits, pharmaceutical products and surgical products

Princeton Pharmacy is a wholesaler in the distribution of a comprehensive range of first-aid and lifeboat first-aid kits, pharmaceutical products, and surgical products.

Ship breath analysers and oxygen-giving sets

The company is a distributor of the Alco-Sensor alcohol breath analyser and Oxygen-Pac oxygen-giving set.

Medical consumables for marine vessels

Princeton Pharmacy can provide a range of medical consumables for marine vessels.

Princeton Pharmacy provides a wide range of pharmaceutical equipment and services for ships and oil rigs.
The company distributes the Oxygen-Pac oxygen-giving set.
Princeton Pharmacy can provide a range of medical consumables for marine vessels.

Rehabilitation equipment for ships

We can also supply rehabilitation equipment for ships.

Medical lockers for marine vessels

We supply medical lockers for marine vessels, which come complete with supplies. Inspection services for these medical lockers can also be provided by Princeton Pharmacy.

Ship and oil-rig medical stores and certificates

The company also supplies medical stores to ships and oil rigs, as well as renewal services for ships' medical certificates.

GMP-certified marine pharmaceutical equipment

According to the Singapore Poison Regulations, pharmacies providing offshore and ship supply services are required to practise good manufacturing practices (GMP), which Princeton is now doing.

Product recall (from vessels) is one of the GMP requirements. Princeton requests the vessel name be furnished in the event of: 

  • The manufacturer wanting to recall their products due to manufacturing defects
  • Drug withdrawal or cancellation of product licence by local authority and / or World Health Organization (WHO)

Product recall requires tracing of product name, batch number, vessel name and contacts. Ideally these should be kept as computerised data.

Marine pharmaceutical equipment manufacturing, receiving, re-packing and labelling

At Princeton Pharmacy our manufacturing, receiving, re-packing and labelling activities are checked by supervisors, and then subsequently by pharmacists, in order to strive towards 100% accuracy as specified by the WHO. Furthermore, all these activities are documented for future reference.  Most importantly, our products are bar-coded and scanned before delivery to ensure the correct items are being supplied. 

Our products’ premises and records are subject to inspection by poison inspectors from Singapore’s Health Science Authority (HSA). Besides the above, Princeton Pharmacy also meets the below-mentioned GMP requirements and has the capability to meet any future regulatory requirements and customer needs.

  • Re-packing activities to be performed in a clean room
  • Medicinal products to be stored in a 24hr air-conditioning room with temperature monitored and recorded
  • Cold items to be kept in a pharmaceutical refrigerator with temperatures monitored and recorded
  • No recycled packaging material to be used

Princeton believes innovation represents a driving force for change and therefore seeks to ensure innovation is always possible, regardless of whether the economy is booming or in a downturn.

Founded in 1982 in Singapore, Princeton Pharmacy and its operations remain based in the country, operating from an office and warehouse in West LogisPark.