
Shipping is a major lifeline for the transportation of global cargo. Cyber threats in the shipping industry have the potential to disrupt critical shipping trade routes, leading to a significant economic impact on global trade often running into billions of dollars. 

The increasing digitalisation and adoption of technologies have made the shipping industry vulnerable to digital attacks. 

Cyber resiliency is key to ensuring safe and secure shipping by mitigating threats such as phishing, and ransomware. 

Discover the leading ship cybersecurity companies in the shipping industry 

Using its experience in the sector, Ship Technology has listed some of the leading companies providing products and services related to cybersecurity.   

The information provided in the download document is drafted for shipping industry executives and technology leaders involved in cybersecurity solutions.   

The download contains detailed information on suppliers and their product offerings, alongside contact details to aid purchasing or hiring decisions. 

Amongst the leading vendors of cybersecurity in the shipping industry are Cydome, ABS Group, Agilient, Infosec, Nettitude, Otorio, and Cyberstar. 

Related Buyer’s Guides which cover an extensive range of ship equipment manufacturers, solutions providers and technology, can also be found here.

Which systems are vulnerable to cyber threats in the shipping industry? 

There is a growing interest in autonomous and semi-autonomous ships, which has also increased the scope for cyberattacks in the shipping industry

Digital attacks can target vulnerabilities in information technology (IT) systems and operational technology (OT) systems. 

IT systems include permits to work, administration, accounts, crew lists, electronic manuals, and planned maintenance while OT systems include global positioning systems (GPS), automatic identification systems (AIS), radar systems, electronic chart display information systems, satellite communications, dynamic positioning, as well as engine and cargo control.   

While compromising IT systems could lead to financial and reputational risk, an attack on OT systems may pose a risk to crew members and cause property loss. 

Importance of countermeasures 

The IT and OT systems need to be safeguarded with enhanced safety and security measures. The protection of information systems is also important to the security of ships and ports. 

Intelligence sharing among the different shareholders can mitigate risks by establishing early warning systems.   

Maritime companies need to undertake a risk assessment of all IT and OT systems and have plans and procedures in place to tackle the risk of cyber incidents. Training and awareness programmes on cybersecurity also play a key role in cybersecurity preparedness and resilience.

For full details (including contact details) on the leading companies within this space, download the free Buyer’s Guide below:

Frequently asked questions

  • What are the key cybersecurity threats to the shipping industry?

    Cybersecurity threats in shipping include phishing, ransomware, and attacks on both IT (administration, maintenance) and OT (GPS, AIS, radar) systems. Breaches can lead to financial loss, operational disruption, and safety risks to crew and cargo.

  • How does cybersecurity protect operational technology (OT) systems on ships?

    OT systems, including navigation, radar, and cargo management, are protected using encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems. This prevents disruptions that could endanger vessels and operations.

  • What cybersecurity strategies are essential for shipping companies?

    Key strategies include regular risk assessments, implementing strong firewalls, network segmentation, and cyber incident response plans. Employee training is also vital in preventing breaches caused by human error.

  • How do autonomous ships heighten cybersecurity risks?

    Autonomous and semi-autonomous vessels rely heavily on interconnected systems, making them more vulnerable to hacking. Cybersecurity measures must be enhanced to prevent remote hijacking, data theft, and system disruptions.

  • What role does intelligence sharing play in maritime cybersecurity?

    Sharing intelligence between maritime operators, regulatory bodies, and cybersecurity experts helps detect and mitigate threats early, establishing robust defences and improving industry-wide resilience.