
Over recent months, Green’s marine services team has been asked to undertake a higher amount of inspections on marine boilers and burners.

Green’s industrial and marine boiler services manager Neil Ford believes this is as a result of vessel managers increasingly focusing on ensuring optimum efficiency and proactively identifying potential issues, meaning that repairs can be planned at a time and location that minimises disruption to vessels’ operations.

Companies commissioning Green’s team so far this year include Ahrenkiel Steamship, Scorpio Marine, Reederei Koepping, Sloman Neptun and Reederei Rass.

In 2019, Green’s has also undertaken:

  • A pre-docking inspection and IRIS (internal rotary inspection system) test of both MHI boilers in Singapore on ‘Golar Viking’ for Golar LNG.
  • Burner and boiler repairs on the ‘Gotland Sofia’ in Rotterdam.
  • A full inspection of the main condenser on FPSO NGOMA offshore in Angola in order to agree a plan to carry out major works in the coming months.
  • The provision of 141 hand-hole doors for MHI water tube boilers on FPSO offshore Brazil.

As part of the Heat Exchange Group, Green’s can now provide a wider range of services such as conducting inspections, complete repairs and provide spares for all models of plate and shell and tube heat exchangers, and the in-house manufacturing of gaskets for plate heat exchangers at its UK factory.