Norsafe Customer Service

Norsafe, global leader in marine life-saving equipment, is the first supplier in its sector to introduce a tiered service management system for its clients, following an in-depth study of ship owners and operators maintenance strategy.

Called the Norsafe CARE Plan, the three levels of service agreement have been designed to suit clients with varying maintenance requirements and budgets.

CARE Basic offers a flexible on-demand service solution ensuring equipment meets all SOLAS requirements, as well as fixed pricing levels for maintenance checks in major international ports. Service visits are organised at pre-determined times to fit in with clients’ requirements.

CARE Select is a more long term approach, where Norsafe works with the client to determine a structured servicing and maintenance plan. Factors such as the age of the equipment and durability are assessed, and key performance indicators (KPIs) are agreed. This condition monitoring by Norsafe determines exactly when replacement parts are required, so the client can make appropriate budgetary arrangements in advance.

CARE Plus is the premium level of servicing and maintenance agreement. With this package the client not only receives Norsafe’s KPI and condition monitoring service but it also includes OEM and STCW training at Norsafe’s own academies plus OEM on-site training, to improve crew competence which is a key factor in reducing maintenance costs and the safe operation of the equipment. Twice yearly visits are made by Norsafe personnel; double that of the other packages, to keep a check on agreed key parameter levels. Long-term agreements like this reduce overall maintenance and servicing costs over time through increased efficiencies and crew confidence.

"These service and maintenance agreements have been structured to provide our customers with more than just a ‘price agreement’, it is developed to fit our client’s requirements," said David Torres, vice-president sales, at Norsafe.

"The study behind our CARE Plan has been the main driver in developing the concept, allowing us offering our customers varied and structured agreements so that they can manage their budgets more effectively. Condition monitoring, allows Norsafe, in a realistic way, to ensure it has enough resources available to service and maintain equipment and our clients know the agreed KPI’s and costs upfront so they can plan effective equipment maintenance and minimise costs and operational risks.

"We have already seen a 44% increase in the fleet since we launched these packages, so we know that listening to our clients’ requirements and tailoring our agreements accordingly is working," he added.