Assure controls

After formal submission and review by the Professional Development Working Group of The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST), Assure Controls was notified that the members were most impressed by ‘The Ballast Water Channel’ education and training courses, and have recognised it as contributing to an individual member’s professional development requirements. The certification is valid until 30 August 2020.

IMarEST is the international professional body and learned society for all marine professionals. IMarEST is the first Institute to bring together marine engineers, scientists and technologists into one international multi-disciplinary professional body. IMarEST accreditation and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is seen by the shipping and maritime community as a commitment to professional development and lifelong learning.

The review of course materials from Assure Controls included course content, provision and quality assurance. The CPD Working Group retains the right to remove the IMarEST recognition of courses if not entirely satisfied with any aspect of the course. As a provider of these courses, Assure Controls was required to indicate the quality assurance procedures in place for each course recognised.

"This recognition of professional development by IMarEST is a statement to the efforts of the company to meet a high technical and professional standard conducted by experienced educators of ship officers and crew," stated Bryan Bjorndal, President and CEO of Assure Controls. "We are pleased to have this accreditation as a statement of the quality education, training, and retention capabilities we have developed.

The three packages are priced for the lowest cost compliance, about $2.00 per day for a ship or a port; this low cost is hard to match and accomplish with internal resources, such as busy officers and unfamiliar port state control personnel. Given hundreds of ships, ports, and individual mariners needing to be trained on ballast water compliance requirements from the IMO and USCG, such an online capability for certifications ensures consistency and transparency."

In the courses offered via annual subscription service, Assure Controls has developed a "Technician Certification Center", with a concentration on the ballast water application, targeted at three audiences: Ships, Ports, and Mariners. These are delivered via an innovative platform "The Ballast Water Channel", resulting in a comprehensive Ballast Water Compliance Support System. This allows for one uniform access, under password control and online purchase via several payment methods for any of the three packages: ‘My Ship’, ‘My Port’, and ‘Personal’

This unique, hybrid set of multimedia and document management provides an effective way to ensure people know what they are doing. The Technician Certification Center is a proprietary interface, and it is designed for customization, OEM sales approaches, and to be used on other products and markets, such as Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) companies.

The Technician Certification Center is perfect in applications where a mobile and global audience needs to be trained to a level of performance and/or compliance on technical topics. Such information needs to be easy to update and distribute; and have the ability to quickly assess the person for competency.

Depending on the package, there are 31 lessons in quick segments of one-minute videos, a supporting document, link to sources, and templates for ballast water compliance documentation requirements. Over 15 assessment quizzes are included, which track completion for employee documentation.

This approach provides consistent training, saves time, saves money, replaces expensive people, ensures retention, documents proficiency, and ensures retention. The Technician Certification Center is easy to update, available 24/7, and provides records (certifications) of new skills.

For more information, please contact Assure Controls.