
The course gives a clear view of water technology and water treatment in the shipping industry. On the first day, the characteristics of water are discussed and the different aspects of water treatment will be considered. The second day of the course focuses on the microbiology, disinfection and water sanitation.

Who should follow this course?

Everyone who is involved in water treatment and/or testing, both in the maritime and/or offshore markets (engineers, medics, health and safety managers etc).

Price: €1,785, excluding VAT. The course fee includes two-day course, course book, lunch, coffee, tea and refreshments.

Key features includes, water characteristics, maritime flow chart, health risks, disinfection, water treatment solutions, and testing and analyses.

Scheduled potable water courses 2015

The Netherlands, Rotterdam

  • February 12 and13
  • March 26 and 27
  • September 24 and 25
  • November 12 and 13


  • March 19 and 20

Why a potable water course?

  • To ensure safe and good drinking water on board
  • To make the right selection for water processing and treatment
  • To increase knowledge of the existing water treatment on board

For more information, please contact Hatenboer.