MV Juanita is a new platform supply vessel (PSV) of the SALT 100 PSV design, constructed by Kleven Maritime for its owner Ugland Offshore. The vessel is being chartered by Statoil under a two year contract, which is extendable by one more year.
Kleven Maritime was awarded the construction contract in June 2012. The vessel was launched at Kleven Verft shipyard, Ulsteinvik, in September 2013, and delivered in April of this year.
The vessel integrates a new propulsion system based on permanent magnet technology, developed by Inpower in collaboration with Scana Volda, with innovative solutions for cargo handling. The new PSV is a contender for the Ship of the Year title, which is to be awarded by Skipsrevyen in September.
The vessel implements SCR catalyst systems based on urea to cut down nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.
MV Juanita dimensions and accommodation facilities
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The PSV has an overall length of 88.9m, its length between perpendiculars is 81.1m, moulded breath is 20m, draft is 8.80m, displacement is 9,056t and gross tonnage capacity is 4,845t.
The vessel can accommodate 24 people in 12 single and six double air-conditioned cabins. Other associated rooms onboard include a hospital, a mess hall, a day room, a galley, a gymnasium, offices and rooms for cold storage, freezers and dry provision.
The new platform supply vessel’s deck details
The vessel’s deck is 60m long and 16.8m wide, and covers an area of 1,035m². The workable area on the deck is 1,000m and the deck strength is 10t/m2.
Equipment on the deck includes two Norwegian deck machinery (NDM) capstans and two mooring winches, each with a pulling capacity, two NDM tugger winches with a pulling capacity of 15t each and a knuckle boom crane.
Lifesaving and safety equipments
A Mare GTC 700-2VD Redundant man overboard boat (MOB) with a speed of 35k and capacity for ten people, and four life rafts with a capacity for 25 persons each, are present onboard the PSV. The vessel is also equipped with Fire Fighter I (FiFi I) equipment and de-icing or anti-icing systems.
PSV Juanita’s tank capacities and discharge pumps
MV Juanita is equipped with tanks capable of storing 394m of dry bulk, 1,216m of ballast water, 979m of freshwater, 1,487m of liquid mud, 984m of brine, 183m of base oil, 814m of fuel oil, and 354m of special products.
Dry bulk is discharged using two pumps with a discharge capacity of 30m per second each. Two screw pumps and two centrifugal pumps, each with a capacity of 150m per hour respectively, discharge the ballast water and fresh water. Liquid mud, brine and slop are discharged by 12 hydraulic submerged pumps with a discharge capacity of 120m per hour each.
Two centrifugal pumps are fitted to discharge base oil at a rate of 100m per hour each and two similar pumps can discharge fuel oil at a rate of 150m per hour each. Special products and methanol are discharged using six hydraulic submerged pumps with a discharge rate of 75m per hour each.
Navigation and communication equipment
Navigation equipment on board the PSV includes an L3 Multiplot Platinium X-band Arpa radar, one L3 Multiplot Platinium S-band ARPA radar, a NOFO 2009 compliant Miros oil spill detection system, an L3 Track-pilot autopilot, a Navigat X Mk1 (Sperry) gyro compass, a Furuno Navtex NX-700 receiver, two Furuno GPS GP-150 navigators, one Furuno FE-700 echo sounder, an L3 ECDISpilot Platinium electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS), and an L3 VDR, SAM 4350 voyage recorder.
Communication equipment includes an A3 type Sailor global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS), a VingCom Zenitel Maine intercommunication device, a SAILOR 500 FleetBroadband system, three Sailor RT 6210 VHFs, a Seatel 6004 EUR TV at sea system, and a 12-3004 Inmarsat Xpress Link satellite broadband communication system.
MV Juanita engines and machinery
The PSV is fitted with three Wartsila 9L20 diesel engines with a combined capacity of 4,995kW and two Wartsila 4L20 engines with a combined capacity of 1,500kW.
The vessel’s main generators include three AVK DSG 99 M1 – 8W and two AVK DSG 86 KO – 8W, capable of generating 690V of power each. The vessel is also equipped with a 270kW Volvo Penta D9A2A MG and 216kW Stamford HCM 434D1 emergency generators.
The vessel’s main propulsion system includes two counter-rotating propellers (CRP) rated respectively at 2,300kW and 1,700kW, and supplied by Scana Volda. The propellers rotate in the same shaft line powered by two permanent magnet motors supplied by Inpower.
MV Juanita is also fitted with an 880kW Brunvoll AR63 LNC 1650 retractable thruster, two 1,200kWe Brunvoll FU-80-LTC-2250-1200 tunnel bow thrusters and, two 1,400kWe Brunvoll FU-74-LTC-2000-1400 tunnel aft thrusters.
The PSV sails at a maximum service speed of 14.9k and an average speed of 11k.