
MKN patent the integrated steam condensation HoodIn for HansDampf Compact and HansDampf Junior.

The experienced MKN development team constantly works at the innovative progress of MKN’s professional cooking technology. Due to this work it is possible to completely integrate a steam condensation system into the combisteamers HansDampf Compact and HansDampf Junior.

Compared to other conventional, space-taking and expensive solutions out of the appliance this is a technical master stroke. With the patented MKN technology for integrated steam condensation a traditional hood is no longer necessary. This is a big advantage even under the aspect of hygiene, because the integrated system is automatically cleaned by the cleaning system WaveClean – easy, safe and clean.

The HansDampf with HoodIn is also equipped with SES (SteamExhaustSystem) which makes sure that the steam is sucked out of the cooking chamber and condensed at the end of the cooking programme. This is a safe thing because there is no annoying steam escape when opening the oven door at the end of the cooking cycle.

With the integrated steam condensation HoodIn the compact professionals of the MKN HansDampf family become a perfect front cooking solution. HoodIn is also a feature of the new installation version of HansDampf Compact and HansDampf Junior, which can be perfectly integrated into any existing kitchens and other gastronomy concepts.