
Alexander Buchmann, CEO of Hanseaticsoft (left) and Torsten Ecks, CEO of ECKS MARINE, decided to work closely together to further strengthen international sales activities around the Cloud Fleet Manager (CFM). The partnership combines over ten years of experience in software development for the shipping industry with a vast experience in software sales and management as well as a holistic knowledge of the processes and requirements of maritime companies.

Hanseaticsoft was founded in 2009. The Cloud Fleet Manager so far has more than 20 applications (including Schedule, Particulars, Ports, Chartering, Disturbances, Inspection Report, Insurance, and Crewing) and is accompanied by the Cloud Ship Manager, which presently is installed on more than 1,200 on-board computers worldwide.

ECKS MARINE was founded in 2015 and provides sales and marketing support for international suppliers of maritime components, services and IT / software.