KTR Kupplungstechnik Installs Emergency Brake System for the Biggest Multi-Purpose Offshore Service Vessel in the World
By KTR KupplungstechnikPieter Schelte is a dynamically positioned platform installation/decommissioning and pipelay vessel currently being built. Upon its completion in 2013, it will have a topsides lift capacity of 48,000t and a jacket lift capacity of 25,000t. Its pipelay tension capacity will be 2,000t, doubling the capacity of Allseas' Solitaire and thereby surpassing it as the world's largest pipelay vessel.
KTR Kupplungstechnik has installed its unique KTR-STOP® and REVOLEX® KX-D 105 brake systems on the vessel, as well as coupling and bellhousing to ensure that the brake systems can tackle the adverse weather conditions dealt with by offshore vessels.
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