sm electrics has significantly developed its systems for light signal devices (LSDs) with a new dynamic acoustics controller (DAC), which generates eight individual sounds.
Users are able to easily adjust the following settings on each device:
- Starting sound level
- Ending sound level
- Sound level’s rising speed
The "soft start" will help raise health and safety levels for personnel working in low noise level environments that do not require ear protection and where standard alarm systems generating maximum sound levels could damage hearing. During "harbor mode" selected light signal devices (LSDs) can drop down operating sound levels to a comfortable but safe level, which can be particularly ideal for use on passenger vessels to avoid unnecessary noise.
A further unique LSAS application could reduce logical controller outputs, such as in the 12MW dredger project in Singapore, which reduced from 32 to 12. Seven different types of LSDs located in various fire fighting zones are controlled by a centralised control unit. A clever triac matrix located in each LSD allows for extracting logic facilities, which reduces numbers of logical controller outputs, and resulted in the projects 30% hardware save.
This triac matrix technology can be provided as an add-on for all standard LSDs.